新加坡航空公司上海出发 票价表
REF: RMMNA 5260 / 030310
sq NS10 FIT Faresheet Ex-PVG wef 01Apr10.rar
(313.97 KB, 下载次数: 2742)
Fare Application
a 本价单适用于2010年04月01日到2011年03月31日出发,且在2010年04月01日至2010年10月31日之间出票的乘客。
Valid for departures from 01 APR 2010 till 31 MAR 2011. All tickets must be issued between 01 APR 2010 and 31 OCT 2010.
b 所有票价仅适用于SQ, MI 及SQ/MI代码共享航班,且不得签转。
不适用于SQ / MI与其他航空公司代码共享的四字航班。
Fares are valid on SQ / MI only and are non-endorsable.
Not valid for codeshare flights SQ/MI 1000-9999, excluding SQ/MI codechare flights.
c 本价单中的所有价格均为散客电子客票净价。不包含销售税、机场税、保险费以及其他附加费用。
All fares are net fares for ET only; Sales Tax, Airport Tax and other charges are not included.
d 此票价销售的机票行程不能OPEN。
Open-date is not allowed for tickets issued under this faresheet.
e 出票必须通过SQ或MI授权的BSP代理。
Issuance of tickets has to be done by Singapore Airlines or Silk Air appointed BSP agents.
f 本价单中没有的航线及价格,请使用电脑票面价。代理人拿5%的代理费。
If nett fares are not available, published fare will apply. Published fares are entitled to 5% commission.
No agent commission for ticket of Singapore-Malaysia vv or Singapore-Brunei vv sectors.
g 机票必须按顺序使用。
Flight coupons are valid only if used in sequence.
h 票价更改,恕不提前通知。
All fares are subjected to change without prior notice. |